Snack - lite

Wheelz – Chatakaa Tamatar
Get the hit of a tangy chatakaa with every bit of this flavourful snack. We bet you’d crave for more with every bite.

Tantana Tamatar
The tang of tomatoes with a hint of sweetness. Ah! These delicious sticks will enhance your mood in just one bite.

Wheelz – Patakaa Masala
Doesn’t it feel like a yummy blast when a number of flavours tickle all your taste buds at once. Get that exact feeling with Whillies Patakaa Masala. Your taste buds are in for ride with this one!

Just like their shape, these circular munchies will make you reach back to the pack again and again until you empty it down. Flavoured with the best selection of spices, this is sure to make your mood mazzaledar! Get silly with these interesting curvy snacks- eat them from over your fingers or balance them on your tongue.

Different from all, yet a winner; this one will take you on a flavour ride to China! It’s made from all the Chinese spices and flavours that give you the feel of an authentic Chinese meal. Open up to some oriental flavours with Sunny’s Chin Chin Choo.

Sansana Masala
Hot and spicy, this flavour of Smackers is all set to be the best party animal. Invite your friends over or just chill with your family. The best accompaniment for any occasion!